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Comparative sizes of Jupiter though the Esprit 100


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Hi All. 

Been messing around with some images of Jupiter I took back in August. I wanted to see whether the Esprit could serve as a planetary imaging tool with the appropriate amplifiers.

Essentially the images were taken on the same night with roughly the same processing applied in Registax and GIMP.

The images below were:

1) zero amplification;

2) 2.5 x amplification;

3) 5 x amplification.

I used 2.5 and 5 x Televue powermates for the amplification. 

I can’t get a full disc due to the low elevation of Jupiter combined with the lower window edge of the observatory so in effect the Esprit it is only working at 50%, 75% max.

But this exercise wasn’t about detail it was disc size for future observations. 


So the first image could be used for wide field shots of Jupiter and the moons but it is a bit small.

Second image seems the optimal size for the set up and tolerated the poor conditions and lack of a full disc well.

The third image was interesting. It gave a good size disc though was well washed out. It does bode well for when Jupiter gains more elevation though.

Need some more images and some better conditions to ratify what I’ve done with these.

Thanks for looking.



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On 13/09/2019 at 06:09, Pete Presland said:

Interesting observations, pretty decent captures considering what you have said about the window ledge.

I would certainly be trying one of your powermate's, have you consider an ADC as well?  

Hi Pete. The main problem is the ledge. Once Jupiter and Saturn start climbing then absolutely I’ll be looking at an adc. 


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