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A bit of Bubble and then a wander


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I decided to do a little bit more imaging tonight, trying to capture M57 The Bubble Nebula. I set the mount and scope up around 8:30 p.m. and waited for darkness to allow alignment. I went out at around 9:15 and spent some time polar aligning then longer doing a 2 star alignment ready for goTo.

Once everything was pointing where I wanted it to I entered M57 in the handset and had my first ever view of The Bubble. Beautiful. I then deployed the camera and spent some time imaging the target. I am still doing single frames so after a few minutes with some quite pleasing results I had a quick go at Saturn, grabbing a few more frames. I then dismounted the camera and fitted my 8mm EP for a visual. Very nice. Having done Saturn for a short time, I decided to have a wander, swapping between the 8mm and 25mm EP's. M13 looked good as did M31 and 110. I then went for the Silver and Gold of Albiero (or thats how the colour appeared to me tonight).

I was only out for a little over an hour as I have things to do quite early tomorrow but it was very enjoyable.

It wasn't really until tonight, using the GoTo that I realised how frustrated I was getting before, strauggling to find my way around sometimes. With the new mount, it appears I got a big delivery of mojo!

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