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How to configure blind plate solve failover in SGPro


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How do I get SGPro to failover to the blind solver?  I have a local copy of the blind solver running and I can right click an image in SGPro and select plate solve, then select blind solver and it works (mostly, see my next question!) but when running a sequence and getting it to solve the image in the sequence plate solve 2 just sits there solving until I eventually loose patience and cancel it - it never fails over, is there a time setting for Plate Solve2 I need to adjust to tell SGPro to failover to blond solving?

Next thing, tonight it wold not solve, or rather it did solve when I went to Deneb, my scope had the star in the frame and it solved it fine.  I then did a goto to M27 and the scope flipped and did not put M27 in the frame.  This was when Plate Solve2 failed completely to solve the image BUT...… Even when trying to manually solve and selecting Blind Solve, it also failed - I don't know why, fair enough my star was not in the frame but why the blind solve failed I don't know.

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It will only failover if you've correctly configured it in Control Panel, also check that the local blind server is running, what are you using for the main Plate Solve ?

But I'd be more concerned that the scope didn't know where it was pointing after a flip, as it should have put the target somewhere in the frame.

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I don't see a see a setting other than a check box to enable failover but it never fails over. I am concerned the scope never knew where it was but the plate solve should have sorted that if it worked, it the blind should have if it failed over to it.

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In the Control Panel Plate Solve tab set the maximum number of regions to search before it fails and then uses the blind solver. This is under the 'Scope Frame & Center Here' section which is really mislabelled as it's purely for platesolving. By default it's Max Regions which is around 3000 or so.


Select 100 regions instead which is the minimum selectable. When it then initially plate solves with PlateSolve2, if it doesn't solve after searching 100 regions (takes 20 to 30 seconds) it will fail and then automatically run the Blind Solver. This value will override the Max regions that can also be set in the PlateSolve2 'Settings' button so don't bother setting it there. 


Just to add, when PlateSolve2 fails and it runs the blind solver it generally doesn't say it's doing this as it just continues saying Platesolving... but it does run the blind solver.


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