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Hi Folks,

So, I'm back again with more questions, sorry!

A little while ago I asked about the Skywatcher ED72 and received some really helpful advice about it's use and necessary extras for imaging.

Here's the thing. I presently own a Skywatcher 200PDS on an EQ5 goto mount. The scope is great (if not a little too heavy for the mount, but more than fine for visual). I'd really like to purchase a scope for wide field deep sky viewing. Ideally it needs to allow me for possible future astrophotography and not be too heavy (the 200PDS is a monster to lug about).

I have hovered over the buy button on two OTAs,  the aforementioned ED72 and the Startravel 120. I've read so many conflicting reviews on the 120 and just can't seem to make up my mind!

I appreciate that the ED72 has better optics and is suited for astrophotography but has less aperture. The 120 is £45 cheaper and would allow me to purchase a decent diagonal. 

My budget is around £330. I've also looked at the Bresser scopes, but again have read bad things about these.

I'd appreciate the opinions of you knowledgeable people.

Thanks in advance.


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I've just received my 72ED and I'm really surprised of the sharpness of it. Do yourself a favor and act fast while you can pricematch the scope because the price of it has been raise by 23£! I'd purchase the 72ED and save up some money later for a high quality diagonal. I don't think you'd regret it:)

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I'm a big fan of the ST120 for widefield visual use on deep-sky.  I've owned two; I regretted selling the first and eventually replaced it. The example I have now is quite acceptable on planets at *120; the previous one was not so good so either there is some production variability or they've improved the OG design on the later ones. But they're not a good option for serious astrophotography....the 72mm will be the better all-rounder. 

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Im interested in this thread too. Im looking at a dso wide field scope to pair up with my 127 mak on a sky tee with 2 inch tripod. Ive considered 130 / 150 pds. But the idea of a scope that requires no tinkering appeals. Sorry to hijack this but what are your thoughts. Is the 120 ST good for dso, nebula etc?

Cheers  Steve

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Yes, ST120 is going to be very nice wide field scope.

In principle you can do AP with it, but there are several things that let it down in this regard - chromatic aberration being first, and sub standard focuser being second. If you plan attaching light weight camera onto it, then you can get away with stock focuser. CA can be controlled in variety of ways - using aperture masks to stop down aperture to 80mm or similar and use of specialized filters. It is not going to provide apo like shots, but it will be usable for AP.

Having said all of that - there is better scope that is almost like ST120 in what it can offer and is much better at AP.

Have a look at SW 130PDS. It has a bit more aperture 130mm vs 120mm, so it's better at light collecting and focal length is similar 650mm for 130PDS vs 600mm for ST120 - you won't loose much of wide field for additional 50mm of focal length. Focuser is much better / dual speed unit.

Only drawbacks are collimation and diffraction spikes you will have in your images.

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