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APM refractor telescopes.


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Hello. Has anyone heard of APM refractor telescopes. I would be interested to hear of users experiences. Either 80 or 100mm versions. 



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I can!   I currently run a TMB/APM 115 triplet  and a TMB/APM130 quad apo, both very good scopes, well constructed and solid.  I purchased both second hand and have had no problems.....Henry b.

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My signature would indicate that I am fairly well placed to speak about them given I own four of them, being the 105mm f/6.2, the 115mm f/7, the 130mm f/9.25 and the 180mm f/7.  If we are speaking about the scopes with LZOS lenses (from Russia), then the quality of the scopes is as good as anything you can buy from any of the premium manufacturers such as TEC, Takahashi or AstroPhysics Inc.  The build quality is great and they use Feathertouch focusers which are as good as it gets.


I have not really had any experience with their non-LZOS scopes but I imagine they are also very good. 

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I have an APM/TMB/LZOS 130mm F/9.25 triplet refractor and I'm very impressed by it's performance and build quality.

Edit: for clarity, Thomas Back of TMB designed the objective lens, LZOS in Russia made the glass and the lens and APM assembled the scope.

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