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EQmod gps question


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Hmmm  that's what I thought but the last few times I got a gps location (and I co firmee the time and date and location were accurate) when I clicked accept then did a goto it went way,miles off target.

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I use sgpro so I'm not using a planetarium software for goto, I select a target in Sgpro.  I thought when you clicked set it sorted the pc clock? Anyway the pc clock is pretty much accurate,maybe put by a few seconds but not enough to throw it this far off. Will have a double check next time I'm out and see if I can see anything else

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Do you have any alignment/sync points configured ? 

Personally I don't use them, as I use PlateSolve2 to centre\re-centre the target, and was finding that the alignment points were throwing things off.

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