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Anyone have any expeirence with using this Celestron APO Refractor ?

Thinking of getting one ( RGT spec') and wondering what its like in DSO imaging and the like .

Any downfalls ? I'm looking to Prime focus a 450D ( unmodded)

Any hints / tips be appreciated.

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I have the scope, only used it visually so far but very impressed. I also have the GT mount you talk about, very easy to set up and very accurate goto's. Tracking for visual use is also very good, keeps the object in the centre of the EP for far longer than I have needed.

As for tracking for imaging, I'm just about to find out over the next few weeks as I have only recently got all the gear to give this a decent go. I will be attempting to get it auto guiding also, thanks in advance to Blinky for helping me with this......


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