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183m.....keep or sell?


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A year ago I bought an Altair Hypercam 183M, along with a Baader RGB filter set.

To be honest it’s been a bit of a frustrating bumpy ride, to cut a long story short there’s not been a lot of productive imaging, mostly fighting with the large size subs, freezing capture software and because of work shifts my available nights to get the scope out are limited.

Now considering selling the 183 and going for what I’m hoping will be a more productive, stable 290M? My ageing laptop is USB2. Hoping selling the 183 could fund the 290M with some cash left over.

I have a SW150P and Equinox 66

Stick or twist?

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Sell,, if you are having bother with it, no point flogging a dead horse, I bought a qhy5lii be I hated it, just never got anywhere with it,, chucked in a drawer for a year before I touched it again.. should have sold it a week after I got it,, jumped on the band wagon of folk praising it,, mmm righto,, wouldn't fall for that again 😁

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Very tempted to, the 290M has good feedback. I’d keep the RGB filters, so if I wanted colour I can have it.

Just seems pointless having to avoid working at full res, just to avoid the 40mb subs.

I like my galaxies and Hickson groups, I’m sure the 290M could deliver.

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  • 2 months later...

I have a qhy183m (cooled) and I love it! It has a high qe and is fast (via usb3) and excellent for live stacking using the Ascom driver in SharpCap Pro.  It's low noise even at full-well and you only have to cool it to -10 deg. It's very versatile as you can use binning as well as ROI. It's my fav camera these days! I also use the qhy5l-ii mono for guiding on some setups - never had a problem with it.


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