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Which exit pupil for DSO’s

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I hear a lot of around 2mm being ideal. Which in my scope would be an 11mm eyepiece. I currently have 9 and 20mm eyepieces that give 1.7mm and 3.78mm. 

Will probably get a 13 or 14mm next which would be exit pupil of 2.45mm or 2.64mm

a 16mm eyepiece would give me 3.02mm. 17mm would give me 3.21mm. 

What do you use? Answers in exit pupil please for now. 

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Which DSO types?

Large nebula, filtered 4mm-6mm, with the 4mm range working from less than dark skies.

Galaxy cores down to 1mm (orthos), dependent on the focal length of the scope.

For galaxies in general try to maintain as much eye illumination as possible while getting the needed object size to see (focal length). Your VX12 f5.3 will offer great flexibility in eyepiece selection for this with its VG 1600mm focal length.

@John which are your EP's of choice in these scopes for DSO?

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Just DSO’s in general, I’m still getting the hang of all this. The easiest ones for now! 

I also have a 30mm eyepiece that gives me 5.66mm. 

Just trying to plan my set which is quite difficult. I’m sorted with planetary with Pentax XW and possibly Delos. Also have a 3.5 and 5mm XWA. The 5 could be used for cores as you say as that’s around 1mm. Thought I would experiment with exit pupil to get the brightness right and filters too. 

I think I’ll get a 13 or or 14mm 82-100 degree next as that seems to be what i’m missing most. 

it’s a real mix and match. Drives you mad. I’m going to end up with a full set of Naglers on top before I decide what to keep 😂 it’s all fun anyway. 

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12 minutes ago, MSammon said:

full set of Naglers

A 13mmish hyperwide or Delos will be great for M42's core and galaxies in general, ie M81,M82, Needle galaxy, M51,M101,M33.........

Question- why Naglers? there is a chance that Delos are a step up in contrast and transmission...

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Sorry guys meant to post this in the “getting started with observing” section. Although perhaps not so much a “getting started question”. 

I mentioned Naglers because they have a very broad range and field of view at the moment is important to me as I’m learning my way around the sky star hopping. Although I’m thinking of getting the next I see some up second hand between APM Lunt 13mm, ES 100 degrees 14mm and Nagler 13mm. Sorry for all the posts just thinking too much. 

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