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Precise polar alignment with Star Adventurer Mini in the southern hemisphere

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Hey there.

I live in New Zealand, hence no bright Polaris here to help. I can make a rough polar alignment based on my altitude and azimuth location, but that’s not good enough. I have a place in my garden where the South pole is directly visible. But I have trouble seeing the octanis starts trough the polarscope. I tried multiple times and probably only one of them I’m almost sure I saw them and aligned the mount correctly.
In theory I’m aware at least with the drift alignment method, but I don’t think it’s applicable here.
Are there any other tricks I can use to do perfect alignment when using lens in the 100mm – 300mm range?

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I live across the ditch

You north or south island?

Never bothered with doing polar alignment 

When set up EQ mount, I use a compass to face the north leg south, allowing for magnetic variation, where I am is 13Deg East

Then do 2 star polar alignment

Last night you would had a nice view of both Jupiter and Saturn either side of the moon

Try to image with my Android phone, without much success 



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14 hours ago, michael8554 said:

Trying to judge star drift in a DSLR screen, even magnified,  I'd agree is difficult. 

DARV Polar Alignment method perhaps? 


Yep, I read about it and I'll try is as soon as it clears out. Thanks!

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  • 2 months later...

Try a Polestar.   I have one set up on my Star Adventurer, haven't used it yet.  I have got one of these from First Light Optics  https://www.firstlightoptics.com/qhyccd/qhy-polemaster-adapter-for-astrotrac-mounts.html     Read the description.  I can polar align my AVX in less than 10 mins with it.



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On 19/06/2019 at 22:25, nikolav said:

Auckland, mate.

Sorry, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought 2 star alignment refers to the GOTO function, not PA?

You're quite correct Nikolav, quite how you do a 2 star alignment on a SA I don't know..

Maybe sharpcap/ polemaster will help with PA? 

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