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Need eyepieces information

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I have national geographic telescope 76/700  can anybody suggest me best eyepieces which i should buy. i am new to this field and curious to see jupitor and saturn.  Also last question is it possible yo see these planets  with this telescope.


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It is certainly possible to see those planets with this scope, albeit at modest levels of detail. The Galilean moons, the main cloud belts, and if you are lucky the great red spot should be doable on Jupiter.  On Saturn, the rings should easily be seen. The standard eyepieces that come with that scope (Huygens 20 and 12.5mm Symmetric Ramsden 4mm) are not very good and have extremely narrow field of view (like looking through a straw). Get yourself some decent Plossl eyepieces, which cost a few tenners apiece, and forget the 4mm focal length. I would get a 26-32 mm Plossl for wider field views, and a something like a 9mm for planetary views. with perhaps a 12.5mm in between. If you want to spend a little more, and gain more comfort and quality, the BST Starguiders have a very good reputation

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Thanks michael for the reply...you r right yesterday i saw moon through 25mm eyepiece and image is less closer and clear from the one that is taken from my digital camera ... 

Edited by Yad
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On 18/06/2019 at 13:31, Yad said:

Thanks michael for the reply...you r right yesterday i saw moon through 25mm eyepiece and image is less closer and clear from the one that is taken from my digital camera .

You will find if you read around on SGL that it was probably possible to buy a much better telescope for far less cash.  National Geographic kit doesn't have a huge reputation.  Still you have what you have and maybe it will wet your appetite for a better scope in due course if it doesn't put you off before that.  If that seems likely then why not try some BST starguider EP's as Michael suggested.  They have an excellent reputation and will be suitable when you get a better scope as Ignoro said. 

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