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Partial Lunar Eclipse - 2019 JUL 16-17


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A Partial Lunar Eclipse will be seen by many observers with clear skies outside of North America during the night of 2019 JUL 16-17. At maximum eclipse, 65% of the Moon’s diameter will be covered by the Earth’s umbra (dark inner shadow).

Below is my preview graphic for the eclipse as seen against an imaginary blue wall to make the shadow fully apparent. The predicted event timings are in BST (UT+1), but will occur at essentially the same real time for all observers experiencing nighttime. The depicted orientation and Moon altitudes are for an observer in London.

Photos and descriptions of the eclipse would be welcome additions to this thread.


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  • 1 month later...

Thanks, was just going to post about this but saw you'd already done this, lol. Hope we have clearer skies than when I tried to observe the total, I had 95% to full cloud cover for that. Once again thanks, I'd only just remembered and I've gone down to Devon. I was going to stay until Wednesday morning but if it looks as though it'll be clear I'll travel back Tuesday afternoon, lol. Didn't bring my grab and go scope unfortunately. 

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On 12/07/2019 at 13:18, Nigella Bryant said:

Thanks, was just going to post about this but saw you'd already done this, lol. Hope we have clearer skies than when I tried to observe the total, I had 95% to full cloud cover for that. Once again thanks, I'd only just remembered and I've gone down to Devon. I was going to stay until Wednesday morning but if it looks as though it'll be clear I'll travel back Tuesday afternoon, lol. Didn't bring my grab and go scope unfortunately. 

You're welcome, Nigella. I hope you get to see the eclipse.

As I noted above, this month's lunar eclipse will NOT be observable for those of us in North America. Those who can view it are fortunate. The next four lunar eclipses will all occur in 2020 and be merely penumbral, i.e. touched only by the fringe outer portion of the Earth's shadow and barely noticeable.  The next Total Lunar Eclipse will occur on 2021 MAY 26. It will not be visible from Europe.



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2 hours ago, Nigella Bryant said:

Don't want to jinx anything but it's looking good for this evening's partial lunar eclipse, I find it particularly poignant as it's the 50th anniversary of the first man on the moon to the day. Makes it even more special. 



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Is anybody on this message board observing the eclipse? Here in North America it is daytime with the Full Moon beneath the horizon. We're counting on those of you across the pond for reports and pictures. 😎

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Plenty of reports and images upon the forum which is great. A group of 7 of us observed from South West London and had lovely views once the Moon cleared the trees at around 10pm. 

This is probably my best shot through the scope with my phone.


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