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Starlink + NGC4457


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I got an image of the Starlink satellites this evening.
It was taken from SkyEyE observatory in Spain (at e-EyE Extremadura) at 22.45-50 CET which is 45min before it gets totally dark.
5min exposure. FOV is 2x2.4°
I can see 26 streaks, 25 single satellites and a brighter one consisting of several sattellites, there's also a few satellites that that passed outside the FOV.
The galaxy in the middle which noone probably cares about is NGC4457 :D


I might mention that i'm not worried about Starlink creating problems at all for astrophotography, they have a low altitude so they will only be visible during twilight, not high in the sky when it's night.

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They have spread out a little and some of them have raised their orbits, remember i'm seeing them at an angle and not from right under so any satellites with raised orbits will look like they are parallel.
Some of them are of course still in a train and at the same hight as can be seen from the brighter trail.

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There is a lot of talk about these sattelites on twitter right now, particularly among astrophotographers..

12000 of these suckers in orbit does sound quite unnerving, but I will reserve judgement until we see them in their final orbits.

Thanks for sharing!

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