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Draco - Arp 330

Mike JW

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Last night was very transparent. Despite no true darkness, at the zenith mag 5.4 stars visible but unsteady skies. I had a look at several Arps last night but Arp 330 is a particularly good one. It is classified in the "galaxy chains" section of Arps for obvious reasons but I am not sure how many galaxies Halton Arp included so I have ringed the ones in the chain. Note the bottom circle has 3 galaxies in it as does a circle off to the right. They are mainly mag 16 -17 galaxies. The third ring up is a mag 19 galaxy as maybe some of the other fainter ones in the shot. All of these were way beyond my 20" Dob.  C11 @ f6.3, ultrastar mono.  Mike


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