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M57 - Ring Nebula (again a personal best)


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The attached image, (and cropped version), is the result of just over 14 minutes worth of 25 second, (RAW), subs captured from my severely light polluted back garden, stacked in Deep Sky Stacker, (with darks but no flats), and processed in StarTools.   

Again I might have gone a little over the top making the most of the new found colour that RAW files appear to contain but again this version is by far the best I've managed of this target to date.

I am so pleased with my 250PDS and StarTools 🙂

Scope is the Skywatcher 250PDS and the camera is a Canon Rebel XS, (1000D).



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One of my personal favorites and one of the first deep sky objects I looked at through my first telescope only a few years ago. Hoping to do some live stacking on it within the next few months.

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Sorry can’t comment on the technical side of your achievements, but really nice picture of an object that I saw for the first time only a few short weeks ago. Averted vision was needed to pick out the dark hole in the centre, but clearly a small polo.

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I love this little gem, and coincidentally am imaging it as I write this. I'm hoping for three hours to add to the two from a few days ago, which being my first crack at this lovely object surprised me in preliminary processing with it's strong colour and it's beautiful isolation. You've got both stars quite nicely and I hope I can do as well!

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