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Society self build obsy dream


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Continuing on from this topic-

I will soon be presenting the fruits of my feasability study to the society. I just want to make sure I have most of the bases covered in relation to building an obsy for the society.

I am going to move away from outreach for the time being so as to simplify things initially. Outreach could be a factor to build in before commiting. I am working on the assumption that we have identified a bit of land to build on and have got cooperation from the local authority. This is just a structure plan.

What have I forgotten?

Ground clearance and preperation including footings/ pads for the obsy structure.

Pier foundation and pier.

The building itself. I am thinking a roll off/ on structure with warm room, probably a flat pack ready build unless one of my fellow society members is a whizz with woodwork.

Hardware for structure- rails and rollers for roof, door fixings and security, screws/ bolts to hold it together, window twixt obsy and warm room.

Electrics- powers supply to pier and obsy lighting, power suply to warm room. Undecided as to source (mains/ solar/ generator).

Astro specific hardware- pier, mount, light bucket, 'pooter, USB hub.

Over to you.





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We have, in the past, briefly considered a society Observatory, one member even looked at a possible plot, the eventual cost of which would have taken several years membership fees. Needless to say, we don't have one. 

Most considerations have already been covered - security, power, water, insurance. 

Also consider access/parking, can be problematic just for members but more so when expanding to outreach. 

Apart from the physical aspects of the build you will also have to manage access to the Observatory. The members will have paid for it so should have access to it, but who has the keys? Must an authorised member be on site to supervise? 

Will set up be for visual only or will imaging be allowed? If the latter do you allow members to bring own cameras to attach or does the society provide. 

Having spent many thousands on the build then it should be used, ideally, on every clear night which means that an authorised member must be also available. 

None of this is insurmountable, but will need a dedicated team to manage the observatory. 


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Having been involved in many group and society activities in other fields; the initial build is not the problem. The problem is keeping it all running and in use (see @Robd reply). As with many thinks the initial capital cost pales against the ongoing running costs - both in money and people power.

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