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Hi Robin.

You have obviously put a lot of effort in this instruction guide. Well done?

I may have missed it but do you mention the importance of the correct mirror spacing and how to achieve it. With all the adjustments to both mirrors the spacing may is sure to change,

Many thanks and again well done.



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Hi Graham,

That is correct, but only slightly and won't cause any problems. 

I did mention this in my first draft but removed it as I thought it my cause some confusion, may I should have left it in seem as you picked it up..




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  • 2 months later...

Hi All,

I accidentally broke the link to my RC8 Collimation Instructions
If people are still interested and wish to download.
New link here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1349fp34gqpbalm/AADPeMNonKZNk-1AkKUZ1dL4a?dl=0

Original Preamble...
I have put together an instruction set on how I collimate my RC8, if anyone is interested.
It also covers some adapters that are required and where to get them.

Download the PDF if you wish. the file is about 51Mb.


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On 27/06/2019 at 17:29, DarkSpace said:

Hi All,

I accidentally broke the link to my RC8 Collimation Instructions
If people are still interested and wish to download.
New link here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1349fp34gqpbalm/AADPeMNonKZNk-1AkKUZ1dL4a?dl=0

Original Preamble...
I have put together an instruction set on how I collimate my RC8, if anyone is interested.
It also covers some adapters that are required and where to get them.

Download the PDF if you wish. the file is about 51Mb.


Thank You Robin,

While initially I did experience a lot of frustration in collimating my RC6, eventually I found it really easy and fun to do.. I can now collimate within 10 minutes to a high degree of accuracy, with only a long Cheshire and a Collimation cap with reflective inside.

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