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Reprocess of M1


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Taken over several nights.




binned 2x2

200mm Meade SCT @f10 ith QSI cam.


Click for full res might not be needed, but who can resist a click or two




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Following your example I'm going to put this on my hit-list for next year, when I have the ODK12. I'll go totally barking (Or even Dagenham...beyond Barking) and put the SX694 on it.

I think NB works better at this scale, where you can see how the colours relate to the structure (Which looks three dimensional BTW). When I've tried it a smaller scales it just looks gaudy.

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The background is darker than I usually like on this.

I think you will be fine with your plan.

The image scale is great but it does need a lot of data (which is why the background is a bit black to hide the noise)

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