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Whale Lum Atik314 127mm triplet


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NGC 4631 (also known as the Whale Galaxy or Caldwell 32) The whale is a barred spiral galaxy in the constellation of Canes Venatici and has a nearby companion dwarf elliptical galaxy, NGC4627.

I captured this image on Monday night but clouds stopped play after only 90 mins so its slightly noisy, was hoping to grab some more data last night but every time I opened the roof fast moving clouds appeared. So I thought I would still post as a work in progress. 17 x 5 min Lum subs with my Atik314L & Meade 127mm F7.5 Apo triplet refractor. Guided, captured, stacked and stretched in MaximDL processed in Photoshop. 



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Looking good, been wondering if the Whale will fit vertically on my Atik314L /10"SCT .67 f/r combo as I don't want to rotate the camera and have to take new calibration frames.


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