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Buying telescopes

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Hi everyone,

I'm seeking to buy the AWB OneSky 130 telescope. I'm currently in California, and apparently there are stores here that sell this telescope. However, I don't know where to begin, and I was wondering if anyone knew where to buy it. I need it ASAP, because I live overseas and am leaving the country in just a couple days, and would like to take the telescope back with me.

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If you can't have it shipped to your country of destination you might try calling or e-mailing stores where it is available and explaining your situation, I do also see the Onesky for sale on the resale site craigslist.org occasionally and that would get your hands on one too. If you call Highpoint Scientific or Agena Astro there are other similar scopes available, explaining your situation may help and Agena Astro is the faster shipper of the two and both have expedited shipping available though at a higher cost.

Best of Luck, Safe Travels and Clear Skies of course ?


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