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2nd Leo Triplet, And A Fine Open Cluster


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After a morning session around 5am, I had the Dob out again after 7pm.  Leo eventually emerged from behind some bamboos, and I went to Kappa Leonis, more or less between Regulus and Chertan.  A short hop led to M105 (elliptical galaxy, face-on) and its neighbour NGC 3384 (another elliptical).  They appeared small and fuzzy, with slightly brighter centres.  That was at x64, and a slight increase to x71 improved the clarity.  The nearby fainter galaxy NGC 3389 was not detected.  

To continue with the Second Leo Triplet of Galaxies, I then hopped to M96 (spiral, face-on), which was a very small pale patch x35, clearer x64.  Finally to M95 (barred spiral, face-on, known for being faint).  I spotted this one as a larger patch, but much dimmer, using x64 and AV.  

Then over to Cassiopeia and C10/NGC 663, a very attractive open cluster.  I guessed at a size of about 1/4 of a degree.  It comprised many bright pairs and triangles of stars, and lots of fainter ones all seen at x35.  Contrast was better at x106, revealing further fainter stars, including closer pairs.  

Total, over 2.5 hours of enjoyment, taking in some old and some new targets.


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Good session, Doug. Those Leo galaxies are particularly nice. Had a little session myself this evening. Was having a last run round some winter targets. M47 and then M46 with a UHC to bring out the planetary nebula within it. NGC 2440, which was a new planetary nebula for me. UHC at 200x gave a really nice view. The open cluster M67 in Cancer. I split Theta Auriga at 200x which was fun. Found a couple of Asteroids as well, Eros and Pallas. Did a little bit of galaxy hunting in Virgo until my eyepiece dewed up. Very enjoyable :) 

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12 hours ago, Littleguy80 said:

Good session, Doug. Those Leo galaxies are particularly nice. Had a little session myself this evening. Was having a last run round some winter targets. M47 and then M46 with a UHC to bring out the planetary nebula within it. NGC 2440, which was a new planetary nebula for me. UHC at 200x gave a really nice view. The open cluster M67 in Cancer. I split Theta Auriga at 200x which was fun. Found a couple of Asteroids as well, Eros and Pallas. Did a little bit of galaxy hunting in Virgo until my eyepiece dewed up. Very enjoyable :) 

Thanks Neil – you did very well! The sky here is not great – lots of stars, nice and clear, but several you might expect naked eye are just not visible. And since there are also various house lights and big orange security lights of retirement apartments, I reckon without the Dob I wouldn’t have managed those few new galaxies.

The importance of exit pupil was also reinforced – excessive figures are not helpful for hunting fuzzies (although they get you on target), but within a decent range (say 2-4mm), even a small rise in mag can give a beneficial drop in exit pupil.


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13 minutes ago, cloudsweeper said:

Thanks Neil – you did very well! The sky here is not great – lots of stars, nice and clear, but several you might expect naked eye are just not visible. And since there are also various house lights and big orange security lights of retirement apartments, I reckon without the Dob I wouldn’t have managed those few new galaxies.

The importance of exit pupil was also reinforced – excessive figures are not helpful for hunting fuzzies (although they get you on target), but within a decent range (say 2-4mm), even a small rise in mag can give a beneficial drop in exit pupil.


Cheers Doug. That was very much my experience too. The 20mm as a finder eyepiece and the 9mm to observe with. I do often notice that I can see a galaxy more clearly in the 20mm after using the 9mm. I'm not sure if that's done to familiarity or simply my eyes being better adapted. The eyepiece make a difference too. The 9mm BGO definitely has an edge over the Lunt XWA 9mm for showing those faint fuzzies.

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I was out for a quick go at some targets in Gemini last night with the st120 but did end up swinging over to Leo later on. By k leonis I clocked M95 and M105 but not M96, and by Theta I saw M66 and one of M65 of NGC3628 (I can't remember which). All were super faint against the sky glow. At the zenith I could see stars down to magnitude 5.1 with averted vision which is very good for me, but lower down where Leo was it is not so good.

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