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Clavius, kinda high res, enhanced color


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below my first try at high res enhanced color imaging. Still not something I would call good. But is is a start. Will certainly be quite a learning curve to take. Conditions didn't help either as seeing was quite bad and there was a lot of wind.

Telescope CFF CC300 f/20
Camera: ZWO ASI 224MC
Filters used: Astronomik L1, Astronomik proplanet 807

software used: Firecapture, Autostakkert 2, Lynkeos, Photoshop CC

Two movies were combined, one for the color information and one in IR for the luminance. Seeing was quite horrible so result is not as detailes as it could have been. Colors are enhanced, but imo not overly so. The feel of the colors resebles a bit my Rükl charts, or the LAC series charts.

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If this is what you call a 'start', I can't wait untill you take a 'good' picture. Don't sell yourself short. This is a great picture man. Can't recal having seen Clavius this crisp and detailed.

As for the colours I can't realy comment usefully because I'm colourblind. But I do notice that the picture is much more 'alive' than usual pictures. I'd call it a success.

Well done ?

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