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Relief I think anyway.

alan potts

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Not been able to do a great deal over the winter for health reasons and the fact the weather was very poor by normal standards. I am still wrestling with imaging in the observatory as the best place and then what do I do with the Meade 12 inch SC that sits there. I am also considering a bigger mount so I can use all scopes there, apart from the Dob that is.

So I had a bash a couple of nights ago and heavens, I couldn't remember what went where or what to do, I endded up using my Canon 7D 2 on a reduced file size, that was an accident but it is still masses of pixels. I was really shocked at what a difference the removed filter makes though I know things are rarely done the same twice in Photoshop. 

I know the image is poor of M42 and the subs were only 40 x 30 seconds unguided (still have to try this with the new camera) but I thought I would post these up just so beginners like me can see the difference.

This ia crop of the nebula through an ED 70mm F6 which was at 60 x 30secs with a Canon 40D modded, I know the centre has burnt out but I didn't know how to blend images back then (forgotten now)




The same, of course with a normal camera at 40 x 30 sec F5.3 on a M/N 190mm unguided to. The pleasing thing for me in this shot was before the image showed blur one side, I thought this may be secondary alignment but it would appear it was 2 missing grub screws from the T2/canon camera connector, how do 2 grub screws clear off?

It is rushed in PS and I know its not as good as it could be, but there is something about it I rather like.



Feel free to offer advice I am still learning and need to get back on my bike, I want to get a cooled camera soon and of course learn to guide, who knows I may even get to understand plate solving after I have just banged my head.


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3 minutes ago, PeterCPC said:

Not bad at all - definitely not poor.

Guiding is the way to go Alan.


I know Peter but I had so many set back trying this, I am sure I can nail it but anyone would be bald after the things that happened, including wasting a hell of a lot of time with a faulty new camera.


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12 hours ago, MartinB said:

The second image is ok whereas the first is very impressive and I like the dramatic colour

I didn'tmake any real effort with the second image Martin, I was just please that it appears that the blur that I referred to doesn't appear to be secondary mirror issues. The first image was about the 4th I ever took, with is being on a 70mm and Canon combo it's fairly well cropped to get rid of the edge of field as I don't have a flattener for it yet..


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12 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

Far from bad! Sumptuous colour in the first one.

Here's the tutorial you need for blending different exposure lengths: http://www.astropix.com/html/j_digit/laymask.html


Thanks Olly, I feel on reflection the colour is somewhat over done in the first image and the second one I only posted to get over the fact I was pleased the secondry on the M/N 190 seems OK, open scope surgery seems to have been averted. I like the way you always try to help out with people when you are so good yourself. The link is not the one I used but I used a video by someone and find writing things down a help, which I did, I made an attempt on this trick which I posted here. I can only hope my work goes to the next level when i finally master (after countless setbacks none of which were my fault) to guide. I fully intend to get another camera later this year, maybe the Zwo ASI 294 or 071. Oh BTW one set back on guiding was because I hadn't removed the lens cover of the finder. 



This is 50x 60secs unguided and 10x 4seconds not brilliant but a start. I moved things back to the observatory yesterday so I must work from here, it makes sense after all, the LX 200 12 inch will have to move elsewhere. I am considering a bigger mount, maybe an EQ 8, so I can mount that and have a play, though I know from you taming around 2000mm even with the reducer is no easy task and 3048mm must take a back burner.

Thank for the link,  Alan.

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2 hours ago, alan potts said:

Thanks Olly, I feel on reflection the colour is somewhat over done in the first image and the second one I only posted to get over the fact I was pleased the secondry on the M/N 190 seems OK, open scope surgery seems to have been averted. I like the way you always try to help out with people when you are so good yourself. The link is not the one I used but I used a video by someone and find writing things down a help, which I did, I made an attempt on this trick which I posted here. I can only hope my work goes to the next level when i finally master (after countless setbacks none of which were my fault) to guide. I fully intend to get another camera later this year, maybe the Zwo ASI 294 or 071. Oh BTW one set back on guiding was because I hadn't removed the lens cover of the finder. 



This is 50x 60secs unguided and 10x 4seconds not brilliant but a start. I moved things back to the observatory yesterday so I must work from here, it makes sense after all, the LX 200 12 inch will have to move elsewhere. I am considering a bigger mount, maybe an EQ 8, so I can mount that and have a play, though I know from you taming around 2000mm even with the reducer is no easy task and 3048mm must take a back burner.

Thank for the link,  Alan.

I fail to remove dewshields on a nightly basis...


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