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Ha Solar using Coronado PST


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Here is one of the first images I took using a Coronado PST and Philips Toucam Pro II. It is a mosaic of several individual shots covering the entire sun (note I only exposed for the prominences and so have manually blackened the disk to simulate a total eclipse). AVI frames were stacked in Registax 4 and Post processing was done using Photoshop Elements and Stellar Magic Freeware.

[edit] - some details about the shot.

*AVI's captured using a Philips Toucam Pro II (unmodified) + 1.25" adapter + 2 x barlow nosepiece piggybacked on alt/az mounted Meade LX90. Toucam set to 1/250 second exposure with contrast etc adjusted to give best detail in prominences without overexposing. Each AVI was about 200 frames.

*AVI's were processed using Registax taking with the final image being a stack of about 70% of the best frames - each image was exported as a BMP with no wavelets applied.

*50 itterations of ME Deconvolution was performed on each image with a PSF of 2.0 using Stellar Magic Freeware.

*Colour of each image was modified in Photoshop by duplicating layers, shifting hue to a light green in bottom layer - then playing with the "Overlay" and "transparency" functions to produce a nice firely red/orange. Despeckle and sharpen filters were also used.

*Final stitching and processing to remove seams in Photoshop.


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