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Light pollution in Bucks


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I'm based near Chesham in Bucks, I wondered what SGL-ers' experience of LP in Bucks is like.. we're supposed to be the 4th most light polluted area in the UK. There has been a significant amount of streetlight switch-off, but I'm not sure how much difference that has made. I live in the middle of what passes for a "dark patch"- i.e no major lighting for about 4 miles in either direction, so the zenith is ok (milky way surprisingly apparent), East is bad (Amersham/Chesham), West ok-ish..

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Don't know Chesham, but if it's anything like my area of Sussex (10 miles north of Brighton :D) it should usually be possible to see several tens of degress of MW around the zenith, on a clear moonless summer or autumn night. And I'm right in the midst of a constellation of streetlights! Parts of the MW are actually quite bright (surface brightness, anyone?). Being able to see stars down to mag. 5 or 6 is a good test. Look hard at the Square of Pegasus (with night-acclimatised eyes) and count how many (if any) stars you can see inside the square...

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Hey Phil,

I live not far from you in South Beds. Like you west is ok-ish (though I have to look over houses). Loads of LP from Luton in the East and Dunstable in the north....South it's the orange of 'The Big Smoke'. I can see the MW, if I look really hard. Transparency has to be top notch though. Lim mag at zenith is probably about 5.5 at the very best. Square of Peg, I can see 4/5 stars inside on an excellent night.


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Hi Stef - I agree with you, it's pretty bad. Agreed also on the limiting mag (going by Umi - around 5.5.

My vote is to create a Chilterns Dark Sky reserve.. one day maybe! :D

I heard on today that we can expect blackouts in the next few years - now there's a mixed blessing...

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Pete thats what I do.

How many stars can you see in the box?

Mines mostly NONE :crybaby:

Tell me about it! For me, in Burgess Hill, and with my ageing eyes, ditto! :D

In France I fare a bit better. On a good night I aim to pick out something like 85 Peg., mag. 5.8, near top left corner.

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