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Synscan AZ GOTO Issues

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So I've had a good search around but can't seem to find anyone who has this problem. I set up the mount, telescope, etc. Plug in the power and begin my alignment, For example I slew to Sirius, centre it in the EP, all good. I chose Sheratan as my next star and the mount slews east rather than west to where the star is, I've tried multiple stars and it seems to have the East/West confused, I tried this again while connected to Stellarium which also shows my scope slewing west but It's slewing east and vice versa, I've factory reset the handset and triple checked my location, date etc. I'm confused what could be causing this, unless the mount head has to slot into the tripod a certain way or something more obvious I'm missing, thanks for any help.

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12 minutes ago, happy-kat said:

You'll need to say what your telescope and mount is please.

Sorry it is in my signature but if you can't see it. I'm using a Skywatcher Skymax 127mm on a Skywatcher Synscan AZ GOTO Mount.


EDIT: So I've just checked again and didn't realise you can change the time zone from -00:00 to +00:00 that seems to have fixed it, whatever difference that makes.

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1 minute ago, happy-kat said:

In mobile view the signatures don't show on my phone and only the tablet of I remember to turn it landscape.

The app synscaninit v2 is worth using to double check settings entered.

I use that app for it but that doesn't specify the + or - for the time zone which seems to have been the issue I was having, it now slews correctly, thanks.

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