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M31 - Composite Using Data From Two 'Scopes

Dave Sexton

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Disgusted once again with the weather, I had a play with processing some data taken last year in combination with some data from October this year.

This is a combination of data shot using my QHY8 at prime focus of a 150mm f/5 Newtonian and my new 200mm f/4 GSO Photo Newtonian Astrograph. In both cases the mount was a Skywatcher EQ6 Pro, guided with PHD. The shot is a stack of 20 images of 300s on the 150mm 'scope and 25 images of 300s each on the 200mm (a total of 3h 45m of data). All frames were captured were captured and stacked with Nebulosity using a LPS filter.

Adaptive stacking with rotation and scaling was used to accommodate the variance in image scale between the two 'scopes. Post processing using AIP4WIN, Photoshop and GradientXTerminator..

I didn't post the original 200mm data as it was a bit disappointing. However, when added with last year's data from the 150m, the result is pretty reasonable (if somewhat anaemic when it comes to colour). Just goes to show that you should never discard any raw data.

Let's hop this cloud clears soon :D



(click to enlarge)

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I dont know about the image being pretty reasonable, i say its pretty darn good......Even if it does look a little off colour the detail in there more than makes up for it......

Your not the only one disgusted with the weather Dave......Even though its been clear most of the night here conditions for imaging have been very poor, very damp, stars playing hide and seek behind very high thin cloud and moon was very bright just to top things off....... i should of given up at around 8pm but wanted to wait until moon set to see if conditions improved.......by 1.15 things hadnt improved much so i eventually called it a night....What a waste of 7 hours imaging, not much to show for the time out, just a handful of awful images.......

Lets hope things improve over the next couple of months......


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