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Once again last night was left frustrated by this mount on one axis just a quick touch on directional button and the star drifts half way across the centre circle of the Telrad.

The other axis takes a good 5 seconds before moving.

Is there anyone near me who could help me sort it out I'm fed up with it now tried several times really pushing me into giving everything up.

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Is this the motorized (non-GoTo) version of the mount? There are two speeds, fast and slow.  All mounts have some backlash in the gearing, which will cause a delay before anything happens, when you change the direction of the drive.

If it's a GoTo, you have to select the motor speed, which usually defaults to the fastest.

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Have you tried adjusting the gears just enough that you get a few mill of play. I know its a different mount but the dec on my eq6 hates being what I would call perfect and runs better with a really small bit of backlash.

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