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After your night of Imaging.


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I take 20-25 flats per filter on the night. I use a master dark (derived from 20-25 dark frames per exposure time) and master bias (derived from 200 bias frames) all at the same temperature - for me -10 degrees C - taken several weeks ago.


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2 hours ago, Taff said:

Hi' What i like to know after your night of Imaging about how many Darks' Bias' and Flat' Frames should you do for your captures' after you have finished from Imaging Thanks.Mark

The answer is somewhat camera-specific. It's a good idea to put you kit in you signature. 


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1 hour ago, Taff said:

Hi Olly' I'm not sure where to go to place my kit by in the signature.But my scope is a 8'' F5 Reflector and the camera is a modified Canon 300D Thanks.Mark

Click on your name at the top of the page. In the drop down box select Account Settings. On the left hand side of the page select Signature.

To your original question. As many calibration frames as you can get. That being said, by the time I'm doing calibration frames I just want to pack up and go home so I don't get as many as I should. I try for at least 10-15 darks and 20-30 flats and bias frames. I know I should do more.

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