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Got My Cheshire Please Advise

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Hello all, i hope you're all having a great December so far, i have my cheshire and would like some advice from those who have one. Below are two pics down the sight tube/cheshire, one shot has the target in focus and the other the secondary in focus (phone was not able to focus both) and neither was my own eyes lol, when i would pay attention to the secondary, the cheshire target blurred and vice versa. I took into consideration the axis of the phone camera down the tube to make sure it didn't affect the orientation of the different elements. Moving the camera slightly in all directions till it blacked out made the minutest difference in the targets so i'm confident the camera angle isn't a factor.

From wat i see here, the secondary if off by a tiny bit relative to the sight tube but not enough to justify messing with it, unless someone thinks i should then i'm confident in my ability to tweak it slightly. I do see a misalignment in the image of the hotspot relative to the cheshire crosshair and secondary, in your expert opinions, considering cheshire's are new to me, what should be touched first?

thank you!




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