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Atik colour infinity


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Hi. I am new to this site and looking for a little help and advice with the atik infinity. I have loaded the latest software from atik and plugged in my camera but nothing happens.i have noticed there is an led light, should this be lit? I am using the supplier cigarette charger with my celestron power tank. If I open the infinity software it says camera contacted in green but I can't get an image.any help would be apreciated

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Not sure I downloaded the disc and clicked drivers on the CD then went to atik website and downloaded core software. The only icons I have on my pc are infinity.dawn and open broadcast. What is the led light for on the infinity as never lights up and nothing happens when I plugged camera into pc. When I open infinity it shows camera in green as connected but the only thing I can see is a black and white chequered screen. I don't think camera drivers are downloaded I can I tell please

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7 hours ago, Daz7089 said:

I pressed the play button and the bar to the left indicated it was working but the image stayed the same. 

The red light is when guiding I think, blinks when sending guide signals to mount..sorry I forget but its not on when camera is just taking images.

What lens or scope do you have the camera connected to?

Bump up the exposure noted below, make sure bining is 1x1.

When things freeze up on me occasionally, I not only need to restart the Infinity software but also unplug camera and plug it back in.


atik - Copy.jpg

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I am using a cpc800 I have been advised to use a t adaptor then the infinity.  I have changed leads and can now see the camera in the device manager under usb so that bit is right.i will try what you said when weather permits. Thank you

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Start off using only Infinity software - much easier than Artemis Capture - plus it will confirm that you have connected the camera correctly and data is being received. Then follow the quick start procedure described in the instruction manual involving very short exposures simply to achieve focus on a single bright star. Many new Atik camera users do initially struggle with focus and over exposure, but you have not yet offered enough information for others to diagnose your problems and assist you. Make sure you have downloaded both core software AND drivers from Atik Site. You must select drivers as an additional component. 

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I started with infinity software and short exposures. The green light was on saying camera connected and I have downloaded the core software and ticked drivers. The image I get is similar to the above. Must be a focus issue. But  Do I have to keep manually adjusting the focus knob on my scope while stacking images and should I be in video mode.i did try both. Will try again tomorrow.how can I test this in the house without my scope is there way. Thank you

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I started with infinity software and short exposures. The green light was on saying camera connected and I have downloaded the core software and ticked drivers. The image I get is similar to the above. Just be a focus issue. Do I have to keep manually adjusting the focus on my scope while stacking

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Had another a temp at using the infinity and still struggling to get an image. I am using a cpc800 then a celestron t adaptor screwed to the infinity. I have focused on a bright star with an i piecdvghen swithed to the infinity. please see images I see. Any ideas surly I should be able to see something what am I doing wrong please.


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Have you tried setting everything up in daylight and pointing your scope at a distant object? I see that you are using a Schmidt telescope. The change in focus position between an eyepiece and a camera can be significant especially if you are using a star diagonal with your eyepiece. What I would try is this:

Set up your scope on its mount in daylight, indoors, looking out of a window at some distant object such as a pylon. Put an eyepiece straight into the visual back of the scope, don’t use a diagonal. This will get you closer to focus for the camera. Focus the telescope so that you can see your object and then make sure that it is centered in your eyepiece. Now swap the eyepiece for your camera. You will now need to focus the camera. You may still need to turn the focus knob quite a way to achieve this. The very short exposures you’ve been using should get you something in daylight conditions at least to be able to confirm that everything is working.  You will need to tweak the focus again when focusing on a star. Good luck.

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Thanks Graham. I was given similar advice last nice. I tried it this morning on a distant image and managed to get focus. The image wasn't perfect are sharp is this normal in day light? at least I know it's working and what to do now.  One thing I am curious about is If i put in video mode and move the scope should the image change as mine stayed the same

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Yes I would expect you to see the scene you are looking at change if you were to move the telescope. Presumably the images refreshed on screen so that you were able to see the scene coming into focus or did you need to keep taking individual snap shots until you reached focus ? The quality of the daytime image is probably down to the exposure length of the image. I'm sure if you adjusted the exposure you'd get something more natural looking. Of course these sensitive cameras are designed for use in low light conditions at night. 

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I wonder if you have the "stack image" box ticked? That might explain why the image didn't change immediately when you moved the scope. If you uncheck that box then the camera should simply keep refreshing the image on the screen to help with rough focusing. When you want to start using the camera  for real make sure you recheck that box however! To get precise focus on the stars you can use the FWHM feature. I've used that on an Atik460 camera to good effect. 

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Review the Atik Video about making a pinhole lens out of tin-foil if you want to try any stuff in daylight. Get an image using this without attaching the telescope. 

At night, follow the earlier guidance. Find initial focus in Finder mode using a bright star and 0.1 second exposures. Your problem is likely to be over exposure. 

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