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Skywatcher Synscan V4 - Camera control?


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I notice that Synscan V4 has the option of camera control  (See Sect 11.4 of the manual).

If your mount ( a newer AltAz or EQ8 version) has the SNAP port the camera cable can be routed from the SNAP port and controlled by the hand controller.

Using an older mount (HEQ5 or NEQ6 etc) the camera can be wired to the hand controller and used that way......

Has anyone used this feature?? If so which actual cable and connections were used.



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  • 10 months later...

Did exhaustive search for a cable for my HEQ5 hand controller to connect to dslr remote shutter socket which should be available fron ' your local SW shop'. Believe me the cable does not exist. Its a wierd mix of RJ12 plug on one end and 2.5mm jack plug on the other. They even need different cables. Undaunted after much research I commisioned Leads Direct to make a cable. For auto AP it will be very useful. Set up the various parameters, select Shoot and go inside for a well earned hot drink. The cable should arrive tomorrow and with bated breath will test it indoors and report result. A camera can also be controlled by an Intervalometer which costs less at £11 than the £18 for the cable... but the cable cuts down on equipment needed and I am keen to use handset features I have already paid for. Watch this space...

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  • 2 years later...

I am struggling with this same issue ... please post your schematics for the cable?  

Between "straight" (pin 1 to 6) and "reverse" (Pin 1 to 1) RJ12 cables and not knowing whether the Synscan manual is showing the front or back of the RJ12 connector, I don't know which combination is correct.

Actually, I made up two cables, one each way: 1) white RJ12 to Tip and Green RJ12 to Sleeve and 2) blue RJ12 to Tip and Red RJ12 to Sleeve (both using a "Reverse" RJ12 cable) ... 1) had the camera shutter on all the time and 2) may have killed the shutter on my Canon EOS 70D (sending in for repair).

Any details you could provide would be Greatly appreciated!!!

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I used the Schematic of the Ports diagram on page 47 of the Synscan manual published 2017 for my handset version 04.39.04.  Multi Purpose port RJ12  pin 1 shutter went to the tip of the 2.5mm jack plug and pin 4 common went to the sleeve of the jack. I dont know the cable colour scheme I'm afraid.

I must admit I did not know this would work but it does. Just follow the Synscan instructions in section 11.4 Camera Control with the lead connected from the multi purpose port to the camera jack socket and it controls multiple exposures. I did learn however that once group of exposures is complete it automatically goes onto the next group. I used Leads Direct and they did contact me to discuss the job to make sure they understood the requirements. 

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I made a cable myself from a RJ12 cable. Not too difficult if you're reasonably handy with a soldering iron. I just followed the drawings in the synscan manual. V2 of the cable had a dither box between, so I could do unguided dithering.


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