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How To Install Telrad onto 8" Dob -- With No Sticky Tap or Drilling OTA


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I just got a Telrad for my XT8 Dob.  It took me a minute to realize there was no real way to install the base.  It could not use the dovetail finder base that came with the telescope. 
Since I will eventually sell this telescope when I upgrade, I did NOT want to use the impossible to remove sticky tape and I did not want to drill into the OTA. I scoured the net and forums and the only 3 solutions I found were use the sticky tape, drill new holes, or try use straps around the OTA to hold it in place.  

I saw those adapters for the dovetail mount that came with the original scope....but I did not want them for two reasons....

  1. I am cheap....errrr....there are other items I want more (and my allowance from my wife is running low)
  2. I did not like how it raised the Telrad up so high on just one arm.  It looked easy to have a loose piece of clothing snag it and possibly rip it off. 

So I had a brain session....and in about 15 minutes I figured out how to install the Telrad using my original holes that Orion drilled for the finder that came with the scope. 
It was simple.  It was easy.  It took 20 minutes. No drilling into the OTA.  No sticky tape.  No rigged straps.  ..........and cheap about $1.86 at Lowes.
See the attached PDF below to see how I did it....
I hope this helps someone when they are excited with their brand new Telrad and then realize it cannot be installed ideally.....

Install Telrad on XT8.pdf

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I still have the original holes from the original finder.  Once I take that step with an additional finder, I will see what I can come up with.  But since I didn't drill any extra holes I would just be back where I started.  No harm / no foul.  Just back to the drawing board to figure out the NEXT solution.

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Yes, a very good solution well explained.

In the past, I have put a couple of strips of insulating tape onto the tube and then stuck the telrad to that. The tape is much easier to remove that the sticky pads, and the wider surface area means they hold very well. 

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Nice idea for those worried about drilling a tube. In fact for anyone frightened of drilling you can take the Telrad and bracket to a 'grown up'.

Sticky pads can though be removed. 'Label remover 130' by Servisol.
Other brands and similarly named products are available.
It smells like the citrus based bike cleaners.

Generally speaking this compound is friendly towards plastics and paints.

Squirt a bit on to the exposed edges of the pad and let it soak in.
If the pad is well matured, push a pin into the side of the pad to help gain access further in.

Come back after 15 to 30 minutes and the pad is soft. Gently pry back the Telrad.

Or, if the pad has been in place for years, repeat the above.

Hope this helps, David.


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