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Star formation and HH objects


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NGC7129 is a reflection nebula in Cepheus.  What I found interesting is that it contains quite a few Herbig Haro (HH) objects. These are formed when high speed narrow jets of partial ionized gas ejected by proto-stars collide with nearby gas and dust.  The LRGB image below represents about 10 hours integration time and was taken with my Esprit 150. 

Approximately 500 HH objects have so for been discovered, so in order to see how many of these within the image, I decided to create an annotated image in Pixinsight via a HH custom catalog. I was quite surprised to discover that I managed to capture 11 HH objects in a single image, although some are a little more visible than others....:happy11:




LIGHTS: L:12, R:15, G:12, B:18 x 600s, DARKS:30, BIAS:100, FLATS:40 all at -20C.

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