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Hand Controller

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I have what seems to be a  Skywatcher 'Merlin' type mount and I need just a basic Syn Trak type hand contoller or similar to control slewing & tracking - anyone have one for sale one or know where I can find one?

I also need a sturdy dovetail L bracket but having no luck there either.

Any & all help appreciated so I can get started!

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Another possibility is using a Bluetooth dongle and the Virtuoso app on a tablet/phone instead of a dedicated handset. Have a look at:- Perhaps this will help


Also try a search using "Virtuoso" and "Bluetooth"


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Unfortunately the Virtuoso app is no longer in the play store.

I wonder if the new skywatcher wifi dongle will work with the Merlin mount and that uses the synscan application which is free. That's the cheapest option unless you pick up a very cheap synscan handset second hand.

Skywatcher also do a sturdy L bracket.

Both items available from astro retailers such as first light optics.

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2 hours ago, happy-kat said:

Unfortunately the Virtuoso app is no longer in the play store.

"happy-Kat" is, unfortunately, correct. I have just tried some alternatives with my Bluetooth dongle on my Virtuoso mount. The Virtuoso app worked fine, but the Synscan app wanted WiFi, as did the Celestron SkyPortal.


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Thanks for all the helpful replies.

I've determined that the item I have (from Astroboot last Spring) is the SW AZ GoTo head & tripod - without a hand controller & L bracket.

I've taken a look at the the retail sites suggested but without success.

While in the future I would be likely to go towards a WiFi controller etc right now its a simple slewing & tracking handset I require rather than a comprehensive device with database etc.

We will mount a camera & fast 24mm lens for a foray into astrophotography.

Its my intention to control by laptop in the future - once we determine that this is the hobby & tool for my son & I and we start to budget for the additional  kit  (for Christmas probably).


Once again thanks for you help.

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That handset is like never seen sold separately now that I have found when I had looked previously.

But the synscan handset can work without alignment you just say no alignment on turn on then the buttons work for direction etc. But I never use it that way so I will test it to be sure for you unless Geoff beats me to it and knows for sure already.

This is a handset it works as I mention above (TBC) with goto or without goto if not desired that observing session and you would need the cable too. The rate can be controlled as to the tracking speed depending on lunar, side rate, solar.


This is the L bracket.


Could we see a picture of your head please so we might better understand what it is?

You might like this thread where other members with altaz mounts are pushing the capabilities of imaging.


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2 hours ago, happy-kat said:

But the synscan handset can work without alignment you just say no alignment on turn on then the buttons work for direction etc

Yes. The up/down/left/right buttons work, from power-up, without alignment; but alignment is required for tracking and GoTo.

The Virtuoso mount has the equivalent of the tracking handset buttons built into the mount. It needs to be powered up with the 'scope/camera pointing towards the North Celestial Pole, but Polaris is usually good enough. The mount's encoders then measure any movement from this start position (using manual adjustment or buttons) and adjust the drive to the two motors to give sidereal tracking. I can "borrow" the Synscan handset from either the Skymax or Skyliner mounts, and, after alignment, have full tracking/GoTo.


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Ok, thanks.

Anyone know if the L bracket indicated is constructed of metal or plastic?

Handset is starting to look expensive (£75+) - will be paying for features I will not use I think.


My mount is identical to this one on Ebay:856286979_Sky-WatcherSkymax-SynScanGoTo.thumb.jpg.fe849b123b619eb64f27eed3d0b554d9.jpg

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7 hours ago, itsob said:

My mount is identical to this one on Ebay:

This is the Skymax 127mm MCT system that I have, and of my various system options, this is the one that gets the most use.

The mount itself is fairly dumb; all the intelligence is in the handset, which is, unfortunately, priced accordingly.

I tend to use a plug-top 12V, 1.5 or 2A, supply (the sort used for the stick-on 12V LED lighting strips) or a series-linked pair of 6V 2600mAh NiMH battery packs borrowed from my radio-controlled model sailing yachts. The system, with handset takes about 90mA when static, 160mA when tracking, and 320mA when slewing at max speed in both axes.

I'm not aware of any coupons/vouchers generally available, but when I bought the Skymax, there was a discount voucher for a Celestron cased eyepiece and filter set, redeemable through OVL (the main UK import agents for Skywatcher & Celestron).


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You will need the alignment of goto to make use of a start with astrophotography and the go to handsets are around that price second hand though you will also need the cable. Though the mount will have limitations with only tracking in tiny left right up down movements which keep object in field of view but does not account for rotation.

For your camera a red dot finder shoe plate that fits in the flash hot shoe is good, there's a model on thingyverse if you know someone with a 3d printer. Astriboot sell a red dot finder that fits I think if you don't have one. Or fit a red dot finder to the l bracket.

Geoff is the only difference with the basic tracking only mount the handset that came with it and not the internals, so in theory the synscan v3 handset would work on it do you know please?

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4 hours ago, happy-kat said:

Geoff is the only difference with the basic tracking only mount the handset that came with it and not the internals, so in theory the synscan v3 handset would work on it do you know please?

As far as I am aware, the difference is the handset. My mount has the V3 Synscan handset. The same handset, and the V3 one from my Skyliner 10" Dob., both work as a full Synscan system with the Virtuoso mount.


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I was more thinking if the telescope is the supertrak can it actually use a synscan v3 handset, I was not sure if the mount had the ability to recognise the synscan handset. Anyway I think the image from a similar ebay add answers that it is probably not the basic supertrak mount.

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2 hours ago, happy-kat said:

I was more thinking if the telescope is the supertrak can it actually use a synscan v3 handset, I was not sure if the mount had the ability to recognise the synscan handset. Anyway I think the image from a similar ebay add answers that it is probably not the basic supertrak mount.

You can use the Synscan handset on a Supatrak mount.

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