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EQ5 Goto


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 Last couple of times I have used this when aligning stars when just tapping the right key to refine the alignment it drifts for a couple of seconds, all the other buttons I just tap mount moves a tiny bit then that`s it. When I then view objects they are well over to the left and I have to drag them back in and as I go around the sky it gets worse to the point the objects are way out of the FOV.  

This has now got to the point that when I go for objects I have not seen before I dont know if they are in the FOV I.E doubles I went for Neptune last night and could not see it.

Any help appreciated

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I guess two things that could be causing your problem are is the scope balanced correctly in both directions, and is it polar aligned well? My AVX goto gives similar issues unless I get both things nice and correct, which adds time to the set up procedure but well worth it.

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Does the motor continue to run and drive it too far? If so it could be a sticky key on the controller. I've not seen one stripped down but some devices like this have contacts on a circuit board with sprung or elastic pads that are pushed onto them. These can get sticky with age.


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