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Postcards from Kelling Heath.


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Some pics taken at Kelling.  Because of the often overcast days, many of the scopes were covered up much of the time.

Though more nights were cloudy than not, Kelling still produced the great skies that makes a return visit every year a must for me.  I managed to observe on four occasions (over five evenings and mornings) for varying amounts of time.  On the first two nights (Thursday and Friday) transparency was particularly good for at least some of the times.  As I've grown used to over the years, the two scopes I took ( an Astro-Tech 100ED and David Levy 152mm f4.7 Mak-Newt) both performed MUCH better than they do at home in a village in West Yorkshire where the skies are better than many more urban settings.  Particular favourites of mine and those that gave really stunning views in both scopes were M31, Pleiades, Double-Cluster, M33 and last but not least  M27.  The fabulous setting of this latter in a wonderful field of stars is great to observe at home, but at Kelling there are numerous more stars in the background and the wings at each side and the imbedded stars are far easier to see and more numerous.

Of course, many people take large dobs to observe fainter objects that cannot be seen very well, if at all,  in much smaller scopes.  Though I like to look through these leviathans occasionally, I actually prefer to use my more modest scopes to show much more detail in the brighter and more commonly observed objects than I can see at home.  I'd rather have more detail to observe in the more accessible objects than see faint planetary nebs that you have to use averted vision to see even in a 20 inch telescope or bigger.  Of course, there is room for both type of observers and quite right too, but give me the spectacular anytime :smile:

Oh yes, nearly forgot, on my last morning (Tuesday) when it had been completely cloudy earlier and a VERY strong wind ( when I was seriously concerned if we were going to be sent hurled into the air trapped inside by the built-in groundsheet! ) I had a lucky break.  I was awoken about 4.20am by a call of nature, braced myself and went outside. A clear sky!  I quickly set up my 100mm ED quickly on my AZ4 and, amongst other objects at last managed to see comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner which was less than 1.5 degrees from M37.  Luckily the scope is short and stocky so I could hang on to it when the wind gusted.  Fabulous.

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Peter Sky-Watcher Esprit 150 ED PRO Triplet Vixen Fork mount.jpg

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