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What I've been doing after work (M33/45)!


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Hi all, been keeping myself busy directly I got in from work the past two nights- Nice to have dark skies and no moon (although for the Pleiades last night It was a regular pain - I was going to have a crack at NGC7331 but the local sports pitch had their floodlights on and I couldn't see a thing - By the time I could do anything it was about 10ish, and to save hunting around for a guide star, messing with framing and stuff I had a crack at an easier target instead - No shortage of guide stars there! Its nothing but!)

Only done a couple of quick and dirty processes on both these so far (but did make some effort) - Both done at about midnight - Have to sleep you know, although I'm thinking of having a nice nap at my desk or do like in the Tom and Jerry cartoons and paint eyeballs on my eyelids!

Hope you like them - M33 is 13x 600s, 3 darks and pixinsight with PS, M45 the same but 7 frames (it was clouding up).

I use a 6" ST150 F5 and the same in 4" on a HEQ5 skyscan guided with a Orion Starshoot guider and PHD. Canon EOS 450D (Brand new, this is its first outing and much chuffed with it I am!)


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They're great Dean, I think everyone's suffering the same way after Tuesday night. A couple of my images haven't been commented on yet. The 450d is an absolute dream of a camera. I was chugging with the ISO at Max and it's worked really well.

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Nah I'm in work... posting activity will increase later this evening when i'll make me usual comments ...

And I have been looking at the Megrez 72 which arrived earlier today... and the clouds that came with it in abundance :)

There have been so many images posted in the last 2 days from you lucky guys and girls who have had clear skies that I didnt want to comment on one or two and ignore the rest...


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I think we're all equally to blame! I'm just amazed that with my set up time the cloud gods didn't get around to noticing me! Except last light when they handed over to the Gods of the Sports Ground Floodlight. And they took shifts with the cloud gods later.

My heart goes out to you Billy! Although looking outsidce right now I think its my turn and tonights your night!

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Thats the thing with this game isn't it Billy?! If your'e not creeping around in the back garden at midnight like a burglar/rapist and tripping over cables, cursing glitchy mounts and dodgy power supplies/ cloud/ dew/ jumping at the sound of hedgehogs, you're inside coaxing images you've sweated hours over or trying to get something to fit on something else. I love it! (although I'm finishing a model aeroplane tonight!)

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You're very kind Beamish, thank you - I've tried this one several times (and the pleiades as well actually...) and had yet to get an image I was happy with - I don't know what it is with some of these large objects (M31/33/45 etc) the only one thats reasonably easy to get right is M42. I guess big galaxies and reflection nebulae are just funny so and so's.

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