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M52 & Bubble 21 Oct


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This is 80x30 seconds and stuffed up darks, with flats and flat darks. I processed it anyway to see what came out as it was all I had.


I have another 52x40s of this target needing stacking and I'm going to include my original pile of data. it'll be interesting what comes out of that.

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Thanks Arran. I hadn't even realised the Bubble was going to be in the data anyway, it only appeared after the stacking was complete. I'd have framed it differently had I but known. I will revisit and frame it better, although it's getting a bit high for my AltAz mount now.

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I'll give it a go then! :) I imagine it'll be pretty small, but worth a try anyway! My 350d gets way too much daytime use too...

As an aside, I like the original pic of M52 - not sure if I've ever even seen that - might have to have a look for that too!


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Good luck, small but perfectly formed :). I managed to grab nearly another hours worth of subs, so I'm currently stacking the combined 132 frames now. The framing won't have changed, but I want to see if I can get more Bubble from it.

Thanks for the comment :thumbright:

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You got to love those 450D's,don't you! Great capture,John. I must have a go at that combination myself weather and time permitting. Have a go using the exposure,gammer correction and saturation tools in Photoshop, only 5 mins work and a lot more detail is exposed. Here's a quickie........... may have over done the saturation a tad. :)

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Thanks S5. Cheers Billy. I've got to process the results of the stack of 132 subs this evening. The bubble and M52 are better located in the image, so I shall see how that comes out, watch this space. I will have a go at gathering even more data, archved properly and not lost :)

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