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Andromeda, M32 and M110


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Final image consisting of 35 lights, 20 Darks and 20 Flats.  Alot were discarded due to the wind picking up and moving the camera last night :(  All frames were taken on a Canon 6D MKII with 100 - 400mm L lens mounted on Skywatcher Star Adventurer Mini

Details:  Exp/frame 120sec, ISO 2500 & ISO8000, f5.6.  Stacked in DSS then tweaked in LR and PS


Second picture is the setup.  I quite pleased with the result tbh

CC welcome :D



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Looks good - Just wonder if there is more there to be pulled out - perhaps leaving the background lighter would help to show the fainter reaches? Also, maybe masking the core while processing would stop the details near to the centre blowing out a bit.

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10 hours ago, coatesg said:

Looks good - Just wonder if there is more there to be pulled out - perhaps leaving the background lighter would help to show the fainter reaches? Also, maybe masking the core while processing would stop the details near to the centre blowing out a bit.

I think you are most probably correct.  My post processing skills are not the best- I usually just move the slider about until I bring something out  :D  I shall return to it when get back in the U.K. next week and see if I can pull any rabbits out of the hat with your suggestions - Thanks

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Mark,

What an excellent result,how did coax 2 min subs with the Sam mini let alone all that weight! at present I'm gettting 30 secs with my Nikon 85mm f1.8 lens,not tried any longer although I did get 30 secs out of my Omegon LX2 clockwork tracker @ 300mm so I would like to think I'll be able to get 60 or 90 secs from my SAM or better!

Do you not use the counter weight to aid balancing?

One thing I'm having problems with is the wifi connection......inside it connects straight away with my phone on airplane mode bang straight in there connected,then when I set up outside in the garden it can't find it! it's so frustrating,I can even connect to SAM from my desktop pc inside no problem.

Can anyone help it would very much appreciated as I can only image at the weekends due to how late you have to start because it's summer,can't wait for winter and the early dark nights!

Attached is an image of Cygnus taken with stock Nikon D300 @ iso 800 a 50mm lens,about 1.5 hours total of lights,with darks,biase frames I tried dithering but think I set it too much at 4 I think and to me the focus looks a wee bit off

But I was blown away with all those stars and first time I've tried to image the North American Nebula. My processing skills required for astrophotography are very basic,I have a lot to learn!

Clear skies all and keep safe.



Cygnus @ 50mm copy small.jpg

Edited by MrZuiko
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