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EPs in the range of 24-35mm?


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Forget about ES 24mm or 30mm or Nirvana 28mm, any decent wide-angle eyepieces out there in 24-35mm range? The next one down that I've got is 17mm 82-deg. So, yeah, there's a gap.  Or, is there?

Televue...oh, no!! Too expensive ;)  

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I acquired a clone of the Skywatcher Aero ED 40mm recently (it's branded "Sky Rover" but it's the same eyepiece). Thats been performing very well in all my scopes from F/9.2 even down to my 12" F/5.3 dobsonian. These are 2" eyepieces with an AFoV of 68 degrees. There are 3 in the Aero ED range, 30mm, 35mm and 40mm. They would perform really well in an F10 SCT I would think. Not really heavy and expensive beasts either.


201451410355740mm ED .jpg

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Yes, I think the Scopos was replaced with the Baader Hyperion Aspheric 36mm and 31mm. I've owned the 36mm for a while but found it rather astigmatic at F/8 or faster. I think the Aero ED's are better in this respect. At F/10 though there might not be anything in it.

The Scopos were heavy beasts if I remember correctly.

Another option might be the Meade SWA 40mm or 36mm or the Maxvision branded version of the same. The ergonomics are not to everyones taste but they can be "decloaked" to turn them into a minimalist design.


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The 30mm APM UFF outperforms my 27mm Panoptic in all respects, so there is that.  Just check it for internal dust when you receive it.

The 35mm Baader Scopos Extreme is still available new from TS and Microglobe from new old stock at Baader.  I think the 30mm is sold out.

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Imad I have had a few SCT type scopes and they are pretty poor at showing pinpoint stars, ie fluffy snowballs, unless you go low power. The 40mm  Aero works just fine and is very light compared to other 2” eyepieces. I am not sure if the 12” LX has a 2” visual back.

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5 hours ago, Pig said:

Imad I have had a few SCT type scopes and they are pretty poor at showing pinpoint stars, ie fluffy snowballs, unless you go low power. The 40mm  Aero works just fine and is very light compared to other 2” eyepieces. I am not sure if the 12” LX has a 2” visual back.

Will have a loo at those.

I remember he had a Celestron CPC, right? What was wrong with it? 

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I have had quite a few since the 9.25 including a Meade LX 10”. They were all the same with regard to stars.... I didn’t realise this until I got a refractor, but alas it is a deal breaker for me. 

Mind you I know you love them moon Imad so an SCT will suit you ?

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I had the C11 and used it literally twice on Saturn - before I dropped a screw inside it and sold it. The planet was razor sharp, to be honest. That being said, I'm getting the UHTC version which is supposed to deliver very sharp views. It's got  very positive reviews. 


You know I'm a frac fan (will get a 4" apo soon), but aperture still rules. Fuzzies are my passion and the SCT will deliver. 

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LoL I remember the whole screw debacle.... they are great for planets no doubt, but they are heavy and cumbersome above 8 inches. Fuzzies are very underwhelming from a viewing perspective, I love the physics behind them though. Have you not thought about night vision ?  Perfect for fuzzies ?

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Yes, agreed, visually they aren't that great, but I tend to think of them as metaphysical and, as you say, scientific wonders. 

Fracs are great for star clusters, especially open clusters, which I believe you like.  Do you know about the Bresser AR 102 ED? It's quite cheap and has very good reviews. 


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I can see the attraction Imad ? I kind of like observing all things with the exception of fuzzies, only kidding ? coloured double are my favourite at this time. I don’t really know anything about the AR 102 ( did you not have the 150mm ) The TAK does everything and it does it very well indeed, and after owning many different scopes it will be the only one I would recommend ?

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Oh boy! The Takahashi is a similar price tof a second 12" LX90 SCT :) I loved my SW 80ED. In fact, I had two of them, one I sold along with everything else when I had a family crisis. The other was loaned to a friend, been 3 years now and I don't think I'll ask for it back. He uses it as his primary imaging scope, wouldn't ask him to return it. 

My favourite frac was the Teleskop Service 6", almost performed like an apo and was built like a tank. Again, sold to sort out our situation. I think it was the only scope I was very sad to sell. Didn't have a choice. Someday maybe I'll get it back and have it flex some German muscles against your Japanese Takahashi. :D

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