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First image - M8

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Hi everyone

After much trial and error getting software to play nicely, I mangaged to get my first data last weekend.  I used an old Canon 1000D through a SkyWatcher 130PDS.  

M8, 117 subs, one minute exposures unguided.  Processed in Photoshop.  I think the focus could be a bit better and I noted some coma near the edges despite a Baader coma corrector.

Would love to get some thoughts, feedback, constructive criticism etc...

Aug 2018 NGC-6523.jpg

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Excellent. I am envious of your patience; 2 hours. I had a go with the colour (took up  green -too much) and with the stretching but there's not much info in a jpg, you may get the idea of not stretching it so far? But hey, this is just personal preference.

Try with the cc connected with the m48 and a 4mm spacer. If you have the m42 connection, some method of getting the cc 1mm away from the camera. This should leave you with corner to corner star roundness or, as it's minor, just correct in software using e.g. StarTools' lens module.

HTH and clear skies.


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1 hour ago, Hamburger said:

you think 1mm extra will do it?

Yep, should do it or WHY by trial and error. But don't you have an adjustment collar -with writing on it- to do the same? I think though that over aps-c, perfect corners mean fat(ter) stars toward the centre.


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