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Second attempt at DSOs


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After my first DSO ealrier in the week I thought I would go out again last night and have another go. Sky conditions were pretty poor and the moon was up and this along with tracking issues meant I had to keep the subs to between 15 and 30 seconds.

Overall though I am pretty pleased with the outcome for my second attempt and I even think I got a tiny bit of nebulosity with M45. M45, M13 and M27 were shot with the equinox 80 and M15 and M57 with my C8 tube. All using my Nexstar SE mount, canon 400d (t-ring 1.25 adaptor and neodynuim+IR cut filter).

Some stacking and playing about in photoshop too. Happy to recive any tips particularly about bias and flat files as I have yet to work out what they are!!

thanks for looking.


Nextstar 8SE

Equinox 80

Canon 400D


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For your second go they are a bit good. With a bit more exposure time you will find that M13 will get a lot bigger. I'm not familiar with the nextstar mount but I'm suprised you can only get 15 or so seconds out of it.

If you look at the help file in DSS (I'm asuming you are stacking in DSS? If not it's free stacking software) it will explain all about darks, flats and all the rest of the good stuff you need to fiddle with.

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In Photoshop, I think I have got my head around levels and am making good use of it, mostly to darken the background to rid the light pollution glow. Curves I must say I have not worked out and when I have tried seem to have made things worse.

Grateful for advice on how to use curves and stuff. Also if I use an LP filter how long do I need to extend the subs by? Thanks for your help.


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