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I tried a different combination for this capture looking for more detail.  Mars captured with 11" sct, ZWO ASI120mmS, mini efw, Red filter 2191 frames ROI 1280x960, Green filter 2100 frames ROI 1280x960, Blue filter 2129 frames ROI 1280x960, Red filter 16,553 frames ROI 640x480 (converted to b&w used as luminance).  200 frame stack of first 3 in AS3, 5% stack of the 16,553 red 640x480.  I sharpened all 4 images and denoised them in PS.  Aligned the ROI 640x480 image with one of the ROI 1280x960 in PS by copying and pasting the 640x480 Mars into the 1280x960 Mars, this matched them up, both separate layers then switched their order so 1280 Mars top layer 640 Mars bottom layer, used layer mask on top layer to swap Marses…, merged images and then changed it to a black & white image.  Used non stellar alignment in Nebulocity to align 4 images and LRGB color synthesis to combine them + color balance.  I dunno...


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