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Mars and Saturn 24-07-18


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Taken 24-07-18 over the top of some very hot roofs with my Skywatcher Skymax 127 Mak and ASI 178MC

The Mars image was one of the first Mars captures of the night. It was wobbling like mad thing in the viewfinder, but it's delivered more detail from captures later on the evening when it was higher in the sky. I've definitely captured more detail than my last attempt a couple of weeks back. I'm hoping I get the chance to try again from a better location but the cloud forecast isn't looking brilliant. 

Saturn was very low in the Sky, so I'm very happy with the detail I managed to get. 





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I'm really struggling to get any hints of the polar regions. I'm not sure if it's a restriction of the sub par viewing conditions I have, a limitation of my equipment or a processing issue. I'm not sure it's the processing as I've seen no hint of them through an eyepiece. Should a Skywatcher 127 Mak and Baader Hyperion Zoom @8mm be capable of resolving that level of detail?

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