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What do you think of the Orion Dob 14-inch?

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For those who used the Orion Dob 12xx or 14xx Goto, what do you think of its quality - optics, build, and transportability?

I hear the base for the Flextube Goto 14-inch doesn't go through the normal door? Same for the Orion? 

Any input is most welcome! Thanks! 




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I've seen one but not viewed though one. It is around the same size (unsurprisingly perhaps) as the Skywatcher Flextube 14 and the optics are I believe made by the same manufacturer (Synta) as the Skywatcher. The GOTO looks to be similar to the Skywatchers so I guess the main difference between them is the design of the truss pole system and whether you prefer that to the sliding flextube approach.

The Orion website might have more details on dimensions:



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I have the 14" Skywatcher and as stated above is basically the same mirrors, GOTO mechanism etc... as far as viewing quality id concerned, well I have had some of the most amazing views of Jupiter, Saturn and the moon you can imagine with powers up to 480X.

That said tho the sky has to be above average to use it at that power and collimation on such big mirrors is a absolute must, even having slight miss collimation will limit this scope. At lower powers it is more forgiving, but when it comes to planetary detail, it the high powers that will bring out the finer details, seeing permitting.

There are times when atmospheric conditions make it so my 8" can show more details than the 14" although not as bright.

The thing I like in skywatcher over the Orion is the collapsable secondary assembly design, puling out the scope and setting up is much faster. I did add some wheels to the base of the Dobsonian mount to wheel it around.

DSO observing runs rings around the 8", so if DSO is your thing that it is a very good size mirror to see a lot of nebulas, globulars and galaxies.



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