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Photoshop Mix - phone/tablet editor and (limted) stacker


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I've been playing with Adobe Photoshop Mix on the Android after to trying to find a mobile stacker app.. being Adobe I thought it's reputable so decided to give it a whirl.

I've never used photo shop before so not overly familiar with the functions.

I was looking for predominantly a photo stacker and merger for a number of reasons 

1, ISS passes to stack exposures a top to capture a full over head stack

2, merge foreground and back grounds

C, general photo editor.

I thought I'd share a few findings on this app, as quite regularly the question is asked about mobile stacking/editing software..


Image stacking

The app will allow you to stack photos, however manual alignment (as far as I can tell) would be required.. as a side note you could probably run through Pipp and transfer to mobile device, bet that would work.

With regards to stacking I feel that it does bring out a bit more detail, here below are two MW shots from last year and a stacked image of the two.



The stacked image


It's not perfectly aligned but it gives an idea that you can achieve some.stacking with the app..

In respect to merging of photos, this is also possible

I attempted to merge an atmospheric moon image taken at 300mm on a eos750d with a wide angle Manhattan sky line shot taken a year ago..






To produce a cropped version


Here's a merged photo, same moon.. near a tree..


Lastly there is a good array of editing options from an auto through to sharpening, contrast, saturation, temperature, exposure, light and shade adjustment options.

Hers a rainbow cloud/moon shot up with the saturation we go..


And just for giggles, here's a moon merged with a star field, gives an interesting effect 


Anyway, thought I'd share a quick example/write up of a mobile phone app.. it's a bit off fun but could be a useful tool to have in the field for a rainy day.. 



Edited by Fozzie
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