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First view of Orion - WOW!


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This morning, I was awake earlier than normal, so at around 0545, I decided to pop outside with my 10x50 binoculars for a very quick look to see what I could see. A quick look to the south, and there was Orion, my first sighting!

I could clearly see the sword with the naked eye, M42 / M43 appearing as a smudge in the middle of the sword. When I looked through the binoculars, the view was even more spectacular! I could clearly see the three main stars of what I assume is NGC1981 forming a curved north south chain. I seem to recall a couple of other stars just to the west, but I didn't associate them with the main three I saw. Just below was M42 and M43. It was an obvious nebula, a lighter grey patch against the black background. I can't be 100% sure now, but I think I saw the Trapezium, although, as Gary Seronik says in 'Binocular Highlights', the four main stars were merged together in to one bright 'blip'. Moving south a little, Iota was shining away nice and brightly. A very nice introduction to Orion smile.gif.

After taking in this sight for a minute or two, I then started looking around a little. I had a quick look at Betelgeuse, and immediately noticed it's golden colour, a very pretty sight. Next, I moved away from Orion, to M45, the Pleiades - another very beautiful object. Is it just me, or do the main stars look a little bit like a question mark lying on it's side? Finally, I moved on to M31 for a quick look. The core was clearly visible, with a hint of extension, but I wasn't looking at it for very long, so didn't get dark adapted.

So, all in all, a very productive few minutes. Binoculars - the ultimate grab and go smile.gif.


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i still remember seeing Orion rise for the first time. it was amazing, so exciting. i spent the whole night just waiting for it to rise so i could see the sword and look in on the nebula (this was just two years ago and it was about this time of year so i had to wait till 3~4ish before i could see it properly).

it was the first nebula i had ever seen and i must be honest it is still the best thing i have ever seen even through what was possibly the worse telescope i will ever own, it was special.

I hope that you enjoy the rest of the winter i know i will


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The first time i saw M42 was with a pair of 10x50s bins years ago.The first DSO i had found with the binoculars it was a jaw dropper just looking at the neb and the area.It's a great sight to look at in the night sky either with binoculars or a scope.Taff

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