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NEQ6 and sbig and st4

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Hi All.

An fellow imager from my local club came around last night to set up his gear as he has not used it for a few years. Kit as follows:

NEQ6 using handset

Sbig camera and guide cam. Think it was the 8300.


As he now owns a new laptop he had to reinstall some of the software including PHD2.

He was having lots of issues connection everything up and I am just looking for a bit of advice on the best way to set it up. I know I am being a bit vague so do apologize for this. 

He did say he is not using ascom. I am trying to get him to use eqdir cable as I am sure this would sort out a lot of the issues.




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I think he'd be best served by installing Ascom, eqmod and whatever planetarium prog he prefers, plus the phd2, of course. Using an eqdir-type cable is probably the best way to go. I can't think of any good reason to use st4 guiding with an Neq6. You can do everything under laptop control so no handset required. It's always a good idea to practice setting up during the day - everything's that much clearer!


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Thanks Louise 

I did mention this to him as I use the eqdir cable with no issues. I think the last time he used his kit was a good few years ago so I need to try and get him on some newer software.

By the time I realized he was having issue it was starting to get dark and the cloud rolled in anyway. It was a bit of a last minute invite so I guess he did not really have the time to have a dry run with it all.





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