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Help!!! 8-10 Minute Image Download times in Sequence Generator Pro!?!

Larry V

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I just got Plate Solving up and running in Trial version of Sequence Generator Pro.  It did not take long, before I determined that I was hooked!  The main issue is, that it is taking nearly 8-10 minutes for each of my images to download, before the next image in the sequence will begin.  My mount, guide camera, and main imaging camera, are all plugged into their own USB 2.0 port on my laptop.  This is definitely not normal and it has been quite frustrating to say the least.  I have clear skies lined up for tonight and would definitely like to be able to take advantage of them.  My only hope is this forum!  I am hoping that it is probably a simple setting, that I am completely overlooking.  I will provide a list of the equipment I am using:

Canon T5i - Main imaging Camera

QHY5L-II Monochorome - Guide Camera


Losmandy G-11 Mount

Stellarvue SV80 Refractor


For Autoguide:  I have Dithering set on Small Dither to save time

Canon Settings:  RAW Image / AF Binning 1x1 / Mirror Settle Time 0 Sec

High Speed Download not checked - I heard this diminishes the quality of the image


Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated!  Thank you so much in advance.  I hope to hear from someone soon.






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4 minutes ago, Atreta said:

Hi, check if  long exposure noise reduction and high iso noise reduction is enabled in your canera, if so disable them. 

Thank you so much for your reply.  I checked both of those settings and they are disabled.  Are there any other settings you can think of, which could affect my download speeds in SGP?

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7 minutes ago, Ronclarke said:

 Long exposure noise reduction and high ISO noise reduction, both need disabling .

Basically the camera takes 2 exposures, the second is like a Dark.



Awesome.  Thank you!  Those two settings are definitely disabled, so hopefully that will do the trick.  Are there any settings you can think of in SGP, which could also cause slow downloads?  I am just trying to make sure I have all of my grounds covered.  Thank you in advance!

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Think about installing Magic Lantern (https://magiclantern.fm/) This software 'exposes' a lot more configuration setting for you camera that Canon omit from the 'normal' menus. 

I use it on all my cameras astro modded & in-modded.

It installs (file copy) onto the SD card & takes a bit of getting to know everything, but some of the basic settings are easy to work out & trial. And if you don't like it, it's easy to remove :) 

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